Garage Door Openers


What type of operator are you interested in having installed?
Chain Drive Screw Drive Belt Drive Unsure? (FAQS)

Top 10 reasons CHS should install your Garage Door Opener
  1. We possess the knowledge to properly install your opener
  2. We can overcome obstacles/difficulties related to the installation
  3. We know where each part should or should NOT be installed
  4. We offer a 1 year installation warranty
  5. We carry the proper tools and additional items that may be necessary to complete the installation
  6. An improperly installed operator may create future problems such as damage to your garage door.
  7. The installation will only take us about an hour as opposed to several hours if attempted by someone else
  8. Some projects were not meant for D.I.Y. (Do it yourself).
  9. We can identify and (if necessary) repair problems with your garage door prior to the installation.
  10. We are members of the Better Business Bureau with over 10,000 satisfied customers!
    Schedule an Installation

Garage Opener Installation Includes:

  • Inspection of the Garage Door Prior to installation
  • Removal & Disposal of existing operator & parts
  • Installation of the operator including keyless entry (where provided)
  • Attempt to program vehicle (Home Link) where so equipped
  • Testing of Operator, customer education, and maintenance tips